Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Twin Falls Temple, Idaho

On August 1, 2012, Mike and I went for a trip to the Twin Falls Idaho Temple.  It was so much fun!  This temple was tiny and crowded, but it was really fun to be in!  It has beautiful stained glass windows  to represent the falls nearby.

St. George Temple, Utah

On September 15, 2012 Steph and I took a trip to St. George and we visited this beautiful temple while we were there.  I love this temple - it has a special spirit about it.  I feel the spirit and peace more strongly on the grounds of this temple than any other I've been to.  And - inside, it's so beautiful!  Such historic architecture and unique rooms.  It was the highlight of our weekend for me!

There are a couple of photos available of the rooms in this temple:

I loved the swan!  :)

Fun Facts:

Oquirrh Mountain Temple, Utah

The Oquirrh Mountain Temple is our assigned temple, so I go there most often. It is beautiful.  It's my favorite temple - so I'm glad I get to go there so often!  It's also less than 5 minutes away from my home, which is super convenient!  

On September 22, Mike and I, and Steph and Kriss, and Joyce had the wonderful experience of going to this beautiful temple with my dad to seal his parents to each other and then to seal him and his brother, Greg to them as a family unit for eternity.  Then we performed more sealings for other family members who didn't have this opportunity while they were living.  A special moment for me, was as we were performing these family sealings - at one point, I got to kneel at the alter with my dad and my sister.  I felt a wonderful confirming knowledge that these ordinances are real and binding.  If I live worthy, I can truly live with these family members who I love so much for eternity.  I can't imagine life without them - why would I want the life beyond this one without any one of them?  I am so grateful for this experience and for the gift of temple ordinances.  How blessed we are to have these ordinances available to us for our happiness!  I love ALL of my family!

Fun Facts:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jordan River Temple, Utah

The second Temple I was able to visit was the Jordan River Temple.  Sadly, Mike and I didn't go to the temple often in our early married years - we had some growing up to do and we returned when my sister, Stephanie and her husband, Kriss were sealed in this temple.  This was the temple we most frequently visited throughout the next 15 years. 

On December 4, 2010, we were blessed to be able to go with Connor to the Jordan River Temple to receive his ordinances!  This was one of the best days of my life - next to the day he was born, it was the most meaningful day with Connor in our lives.
We were so happy to have so much family support that day!

Fun Facts:

Salt Lake Temple, Utah

My journey into the Temple began on Saturday, January 13, 1990, in the Salt Lake Temple.  I received my own ordinances that day and my friend (and substitute mother), Carolyn Cox was my escort.  I was nervous, but it was a beautiful day.

Then, the following Tuesday, January 16, 1990 - I married my best friend and love of my life, Mike McMillen.  I was even more nervous this day, but it was even more beautiful.  It was an overcast winter day, but the sealing room in the temple was bright and beautiful and we were very happy to be not only married - but sealed to each other for eternity.